Recounting His Wonderful Deeds

“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” – Psalm 9:1
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” – Psalm 9:1
by Whitney Roberts
It’s easy to give thanks to the Lord and recount His wonderful deeds when life is going well. What about in seasons of suffering and trial? What posture does your heart take in your lowest and darkest moments in life? I know my heart is quick to worship and seek after the “god” of comfort in times of suffering. I’m finding this false god always disappoints. Especially in a broken world where suffering and trials are promised to continually come our way.
May we seek to give thanks to our Lord in every season as an act of worship. Even when we don’t feel like it, let it be our sacrifice to our King who gave everything for us. Recounting His wonderful deeds has a way of reshaping our hearts and reframing our minds to have hope and faith in Him when the storms come.
He is worthy of our praise and worship! I urge us to take time today to sit with the Lord and give thanks to Him with our whole hearts. Make a list of the ways that the Lord has worked and provided in your life previously. Praise Him for His wonderful deeds!
It’s easy to give thanks to the Lord and recount His wonderful deeds when life is going well. What about in seasons of suffering and trial? What posture does your heart take in your lowest and darkest moments in life? I know my heart is quick to worship and seek after the “god” of comfort in times of suffering. I’m finding this false god always disappoints. Especially in a broken world where suffering and trials are promised to continually come our way.
May we seek to give thanks to our Lord in every season as an act of worship. Even when we don’t feel like it, let it be our sacrifice to our King who gave everything for us. Recounting His wonderful deeds has a way of reshaping our hearts and reframing our minds to have hope and faith in Him when the storms come.
He is worthy of our praise and worship! I urge us to take time today to sit with the Lord and give thanks to Him with our whole hearts. Make a list of the ways that the Lord has worked and provided in your life previously. Praise Him for His wonderful deeds!