
Mission Statement

Redemption Church believes that we are biblically, ethically, and legally obligated to provide a safe and secure environment for our members and visitors who enter our church walls and/or attend church events. As a matter of fulfilling this mission, we believe in doing so we must not compromise one of the core values of Redemption Church: to provide an atmosphere of comfort, worship, and refuge so people are able to seek the Lord, serve Him and each other, and send disciples out into the world.

Goals and Objectives

  • Redemption Church will maintain an easily identifiable security presence at all public gatherings.
  • Redemption Church will have at least two identifiable security team members during the Sunday worship service. 
  • Security team members will work hand in hand with the hospitality and usher team members to identify and monitor potential problems as attendees enter the church or sanctuary, and will work to maintain a safe and secure atmosphere throughout the gathering.
  • Redemption Church will identify spiritually and technically qualified members of our church to be trained and to serve on the security team. These persons will be identified as those with "a servant's heart and a warrior's mindset."

For more information, please contact the Redemption Church security directors:
Greg Lucas
Eric Hudson

Join the Security Team

If you are interested in being a part of the security team, fill out the contact form below.