Deep Rooted Christianity

Aug 9, 2020    Pastor Greg Lucas

This is an extremely pivotal time to be a Christian. It’s an extremely crucial time to be a faithful follower of Jesus. We must be the church in the world to the world without being influenced by the world. We must stand fast without compromise on the word of God and be faithful and bold in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus.

Lines are being drawn in our culture and some of those lines are very blurry. But for the follower of Jesus the lines are very clear. Those who are rooted in the word of God will be blessed by God and used by God to do extraordinary things for his glory, and those who have no roots will dry up, whither up and be blown away. The most effective biblical mandate for the church to ease the suffering of mankind is to preach, teach, live, and proclaim the word of God and the Gospel of Christ!